We welcome you to the Third Annual Southeastern Masonic Education Symposium, hosted by Hillsborough Lodge No. 25 in Downtown Tampa, Florida!
Bringing you Masonic Education, Masonic Vendors, Fellowship and the full MasonicCon experience to the Southeastern United States since 2020!

Back Again Saturday March 8th, 2025!

A list of speakers and a ticket portal are coming soon!  

Check out the great speakers we have for 2023 on our Speakers page by clicking here.

April 29, 2023


8:00 - 9:00 AM             Registration (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

9:00 - 9:10 AM              Welcome Message from WM (Lodge Room)

9:10 - 9:50 AM               Right Worshipful Robert Johnson

"Masonic Pub Crawl: Freemasonry in America and it's Colonial Tavern Beginnings” (Lodge Room)

9:50 - 10:00 AM            Break (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

10:00 - 10:40 AM         Brother Juan Sepulveda

“Correspondence with the Divine” (Lodge Room)

10:40 - 11:00 AM          Break (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

11:00 - 11:40 AM           Worshipful Daniel Molina

“The Taxil Hoax: A Conspiracy Against Freemasonry” (Lodge room)

11:40 - 1:00 PM             Lunch Break

1:00 - 1:40 PM               Right Worshipful Julian Mackenzie

“American Freemasonry in France" (Lodge Room)

1:40 - 2:00 PM               Break (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

2:00 - 2:40 PM              Brother John Nagy

“The Shoe and the Widow’s Son” (Lodge Room)

2:40 - 3:00 PM              Break (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

3:00 - 3:40 PM              Worshipful Chris Burns and Brother Fred Packwood

“Masonry, What Now?” (Lodge Room)

3:40- 4:00 PM               Break (Dining Room/Lounge Area)

4:00 - 5:00 PM              Panel Discussion with all speakers (Lodge Room)

5:00 - ??? PM                 Fellowship Event (Four Green Fields)


Visit our Brothers in the Dining Room for various snacks and drinks between each presentation!  The Snack Bar is run by our own Paul Revere Chapter of DeMolay - thank you for your help Brothers!  

For this event, food and drinks may be brought upstairs, but PLEASE - no food or drink in our Lodge Room (except water).


This year we added the option of having lunch included with your ticket to ease the process.  That order will be ready for our lunch break.  Those who purchased tickets without lunch will need to bring their lunch or visit local restaurants.  Nearby options exist in the downtown area, but the closest are The Attic next door and Yeoman's Cask & Lion two blocks south on Morgan St.  Other options will be mostly across downtown towards the river.  


Join us for some fellowship after the event at Four Green Fields in Channelside! No ticket required.  Food and drink can be purchased individually at the location.  Four Green Fields is located on the north end of the Channelside District at 802 North 12th Street Tampa, FL 33602.  Please be sure not to confuse it with their other locations.


Your credential (name badge) includes a large letter.  Look for the letter C if you need help!


C = Event Committee Member (all access)

S = Speaker (all access)

G = General Admission to Symposium (symposium access)

V = Vendor Only (vendor and downstairs areas only)


Parking is strictly enforced in the downtown area.  Street parking is no longer free between 8am & midnight - be mindful of parking requirements or pay for bulk hours in a nearby lot.  Street parking can be paid for by using an app or at any of the street side parking kiosks.  Information from the city concerning the phone app can be found here.  Information from the city about on-street parking can be found here.

Private pay lots are also located north of the lodge behind the church and past the Old Scottish Rite building to the west.  Private lots require payment at all times.  The company that owns or operates most of these lost can be found online here.  They also have a pay app that can be used.

Please note that the Lodge or the event are not liable for your parking decisions.